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Recent psychological research that suggests that people who regularly practice gratitude, forgiveness, and an appreciation of material blessings are more optimistic and happier than others.... posted on Jan 17 2004, 1,684 reads


Slow Food Movement
There's a new movement in town -- instead of fast food, it's called "slow food." Born in Italy 17 years ago, Slow Food aims to be everything fast food is not. It's slow — in the making and the eating. It's fresh — not processed. It's from neighborhood farms and stores — not from industrial growers like Tyson Foods or retail goliaths like Wal-Mart. Armed with a snail logo, Slow Food chapter... posted on Jan 16 2004, 1,402 reads


Chirping Birds
The chirping of two pet canaries from beneath the rubble of a destroyed house in Bam saved two children after the birds attracted the attention of rescue workers, Iran's official news agency reported Tuesday. "The two children were stuck in the debris next to their broken bird case," the IRNA news agency said. "After hearing the birds singing, rescue workers went to the location and were removing ... posted on Jan 15 2004, 1,200 reads


Billion Dollar Secret
He used to fly coach, buy clothes off the rack, had a plastic bag for briefcase, owned drugstore reading classes and wore a $15 plastic watch. And he secretly transferred all the shares of his company to a top-secret foundation in Bermuda that was giving to the world ... anonymously. When the cashier's check cleared, there were no black-tie galas, no self-effacing speeches. A decade later, in 1... posted on Jan 14 2004, 1,225 reads


Double Bottom Line
Chocolate cakes. Mousse Cakes. Lemon Cakes. They also bake wedding cakes, and cakes that have been served at the White House. A bakery in Yonkers, N.Y. is not only making cakes for the rich and famous, but also supporting the poor and disenfranchised! Greyston Bakery is a social experiment that started more than 20 years ago with the goal of employing the chronically unemployed -- getting them o... posted on Jan 13 2004, 1,180 reads


Impact on the Whole
... posted on Jan 12 2004, 969 reads


Indivisible Life
... posted on Jan 11 2004, 2,148 reads


Sharing Warmth
For employees in the ski industry, SWAG is an acronym for (free) "Stuff We Always Get." As in, free stuff. But that was until they met Cheryl Jensen. Cheryl's idea was to use the retired uniforms from the ski resorts to bring warmth to the needy in other parts of the world. And so it was. Just this year, SWAG has distributed over 30,000 coats to over a dozen countries including Nepal, Mongolia... posted on Jan 10 2004, 1,160 reads


Seek the Truth
Katharine Gun, a 29 year old woman was working as a translator for British intelligence when she found out that the United States and England were spying on diplomats. At the United Nations in New York, the two countries were wiretapping homes and office telephones along with reading e-mails. The targets were delegations from six countries considered to be pivotal - Mexico, Chile, Angola, Cameroon... posted on Jan 09 2004, 1,267 reads


A Trip
In 1993, he graduated from college, hopped into a 1971 Volkswagen Bus with his golden retriever, and set off to follow the Grateful Dead. Challenged by his mentor to make his trip more meaningful, Eric Saperston decided to call up some of the most powerful people in the world and ask them out for a cup of coffee. What started out as a personal journey to find the answers to life's biggest questi... posted on Jan 08 2004, 1,377 reads


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"What happens when people open their hearts?"...
"They get better."

Haruki Murakami,

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